Kid’s Cut-a-thon 2023
‘Twas back-to-school, and fall was around the corner. This being the 4th year in a row, Boulder Hair Collective has has hosted the Kid's Cut-a-thon, we had to do it in a big way, and I mean BIG!
It was an Ice Cream Truck, side-walk chalk, hair-cutting fest! Close to 100 kids received back-2-school haircuts in the name of community, paying it forward and the love of uplifting those who may not have the ability nor the opportunity. A celebration indeed it was…
A sweet cow truck filled with ice-cream for all of our guests, showed up right on time with unlimited scoops of our favorite flavors, sponsored by our friends and collaborators OpenHaus Colorado. A special thanks to them for providing the sweet treats, bringing great energy and helping us manage and produce such a successful event.
Having raised funds, and collected holiday gifts for Ability Connection Colorado, it was a no-brainer that we collaborate with them, specifically their program, “The Ready to Achieve Mentoring Program” (RAMP), a high-tech, career-focused mentoring program for young people involved with or at risk of becoming involved with the juvenile justice system, including those with disabilities.
Here at Boulder Hair Collective, we are passionate about youth, specifically ones whom are subject to the foster care system. This program enables us to get resources, financial support and mentorship to a group of young people often forgotten.
A special thanks to Boulder Plastic Surgery for sponsoring our amazing face painter 🖤
More than 4 Million
children are in the welfare system, and over 390,000 are in foster care.
of these children will experience severe trauma.
Only 50%
will reunite with their biological families.
will attempt suicide.
And that’s just for those who are still in the system. For the 23,000 young adults who age out each year,
of young men will become incarcerated.
of young women will be pregnant before their twenty-first birthday, with half of their children destined to be placed in the foster care system themselves.
will be homeless within 18 months.
of these young adults will immediately enter into chronic poverty.
We have the power to change the lives of these young people. The right people, the right reasons can bring about opportunity in way we cannot imagine. We as a team, as a collective, strive to better our best each time we have these magical opportunities to give back in such a way.
A special thanks to all of the families, community members and friends who all came out to support this very special moment and opportunity to give back!